Residential Mortgages

Residential Mortgage

A residential mortgage refers to a loan specifically designed to finance the purchase or refinance of a residential property intended for personal occupancy. It is a type of mortgage that individuals or families obtain to become homeowners. Residential mortgages are typically used for purchasing houses, condominiums, townhouses, or other types of residential dwellings.

In a residential mortgage, the borrower (homebuyer) pledges the property as collateral to secure the loan. The lender provides the funds necessary for the purchase, and the borrower agrees to make regular mortgage payments over a specified term until the loan is fully repaid.
The terms and conditions of a residential mortgage will vary depending on the lender, the type of loan, and the borrower’s credit score. It is important to shop around and compare different offers before choosing a mortgage.

Here are some of the factors that lenders consider when determining the terms and conditions of a residential mortgage:

The borrower’s credit score: Borrowers with good credit scores will typically qualify for lower interest rates and better terms than borrowers with poor credit scores.

The borrower’s income: Lenders want to make sure that borrowers can afford to make the monthly payments.

The amount of the loan: The larger the loan, the higher the interest rate will be.

The length of the loan: Shorter-term loans typically have lower interest rates than longer-term loans.

Residential mortgages can be a great way to finance the purchase of a home. However, it is important to understand the terms and conditions of the loan before you sign on the dotted line.

Using a mortgage broker for a residential mortgage can be a beneficial approach when seeking financing for your home purchase. A mortgage broker acts as an intermediary between borrowers (homebuyers) and lenders, helping to connect borrowers with suitable loan options from a variety of lenders. Here are some key factors to consider when using a mortgage broker for a residential mortgage:

  • Access to Multiple Lenders
  • Expert Guidance and Market Knowledge
  • Personalized Loan Recommendations
  • Negotiation and Competitive Rates
  • Streamlined Application Process
  • Transparency and Disclosure

The cost associated with using a mortgage broker can vary depending on various factors, including the broker’s fee structure and the specific services provided. Here are some common ways mortgage brokers may charge for their services.

When considering using a mortgage broker, it’s essential to discuss and clarify the fee structure and any associated costs upfront. This will ensure transparency and help you understand the total cost of obtaining a mortgage through a broker.

Purchasing a home is a complex process, and it’s important to have a team of professionals to guide you along the way. We can provide valuable expertise and support throughout the home-buying journey.

Mortgage pre-approval is an important step in the home buying process. It involves the lender assessing your financial situation, creditworthiness, and ability to obtain a mortgage loan.

Remember that pre-approval is not a guarantee of final mortgage approval. Additional verification and underwriting processes are conducted once you have an accepted offer on a specific property. It’s important to maintain your financial stability and avoid making major changes to your financial situation until after the final mortgage approval.

Mortgage renewal refers to the process of renewing your existing mortgage loan once the initial term comes to an end. When your mortgage term reaches its maturity date, typically after 1 to 5 years, you have the option to renew your mortgage with the current lender or explore other options with different lenders

Refinancing a mortgage refers to the process of replacing an existing mortgage with a new one, typically to obtain better terms, lower interest rates, or access equity in a property its maturity date, typically after 1 to 5 years, you have the option to renew your mortgage with the current lender or explore other options with different lenders. 

Mortgage refinancing can be a strategic financial move when done for the right reasons and with careful consideration. It’s advisable to compare offers from different lenders, seek professional advice, and weigh the potential benefits against the associated costs to make an informed decision about refinancing your mortgage.

Home equity refers to the portion of a property’s value that is owned outright by the homeowner. It is the difference between the property’s market value and the outstanding balance of any mortgages or liens against it. Some common home equity factors are:

  • Calculation
  • Building Home Equity
  • Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit
  • Uses of Home Equity
  • Risks and Considerations

Mortgage calculators are useful online tools that help homeowners and prospective buyers estimate various aspects of their mortgage, such as monthly payments, affordability, amortization schedules, and more. Some common types of mortgage calculators are:

  • Mortgage Payment Calculator
  • Affordability Calculator
  • Amortization Calculator
  • Refinance Calculator
  • Extra Payment Calculator
  • Biweekly Payment Calculator

These rates are based on the average of rates offered by top lenders. Your actual rate may vary depending on your credit score, down payment, and other factors. Here are the current residential mortgage rates:

  • 1-year fixed: 5.69%
  • 2-year fixed: 5.19%
  • 3-year fixed: 4.69%
  • 4-year fixed: 4.54%
  • 5-year fixed: 4.49%

A home buyer incentive is a program or initiative that provides financial assistance or other benefits to individuals or families purchasing a home. These incentives are often offered by governments, housing agencies, or other organizations to promote homeownership and make it more accessible for potential buyers.

First-time home buyers in Edmonton, Canada, have access to various programs and resources designed to assist them in purchasing their first home. Here are some initiatives and considerations specific to first-time home buyers in Edmonton:

  • First-Time Home Buyer Incentives
  • Provincial Programs
  • Mortgage Pre-Approval
  • Research and Education
  • Home Buyer Education
  • Working with a Realtor

A newcomer to Canada is a person who has recently immigrated to Canada. They may be a permanent resident, refugee, or temporary resident. Newcomers to Canada may face challenges in adjusting to their new life, such as finding a job, learning English or French, and understanding Canadian culture. However, there are many resources available to help newcomers succeed in Canada.

  • Immigrants’ Settlement and Integration Services (ISASI): ISASI provides funding to community organizations to deliver settlement services to newcomers. These services can include language training, employment assistance, and help with finding housing.
  • Tuition and fee reductions: Newcomers to Canada may be eligible for tuition and fee reductions at post-secondary institutions.
  • Tax credits: Newcomers to Canada may be eligible for tax credits, such as the Canada Child Tax Benefit and the GST/HST credit.

Thank you for submitting your request for a free quote. We will be in touch soon! If you have any questions or concerns call 780-802-4845 - Mortgage Route Team

Current Prime Rate is 7.20

Rates subject to change without notice. *O.A.C. E.& O.E.

5 Year Adjustable (high ratio / no pre approvals)6.45%6.10%
3 Year (fixed high ratio / Live deal)5.79%5.29%
5 Year (fixed high ratio / 120 day hold / Live deal )5.44%4.99%
5 Year (fixed rate / high ratio – Borrowed down)5.64%4.99%
2 Year (fixed high ratio)6.49%6.29%
4 Year (fixed rate high ratio)5.69%4.99%
5 Year (fixed rate refinance)6.49%5.79%
Auto Financing8.99%7.99%