Owning Your Dream Home in Edmonton: Mortgage Route’s Guide for Newcomers to Canada

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Mortgages for Newcomers in Canada

Welcome to Edmonton, Alberta! As a newcomer to Canada, settling into a new city and achieving homeownership can be an exciting yet daunting prospect.

Fortunately, numerous mortgage options are available to help you navigate the process and secure your dream home in Edmonton.

Mortgage Route, your Edmonton mortgage specialists, are here to guide you through every step of the journey. 

Understanding Your Eligibility 

While obtaining a mortgage in Canada as a newcomer might seem daunting, the process is achievable with the necessary requirements. 

First and foremost, you must be a permanent resident of Canada. Secondly, the minimum down payment you’ll need is typically higher than for established residents, ranging from 20% to 35% depending on the specific mortgage you qualify for.

Additionally, lenders will assess your financial stability by looking for at least three months of employment history in Canada, your income level, and your debt-to-income ratio.

Finally, although not mandatory, a good credit score can significantly improve your mortgage interest rates. If you’re new to Canada, lenders may consider alternative methods to verify your creditworthiness while you build your credit history here. 

Mortgage Options for Newcomers in Edmonton 

Mortgage Options for Newcomers in Edmonton

Several mortgage programs cater specifically to newcomers in Canada. Here are some of the most common options: 

Government-Insured Mortgages (GIMs): 

  • These programs, offered by CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) and Sagen (The Canada Guaranty), provide mortgage insurance to lenders, allowing them to offer lower down payments (as low as 5% for newcomers) on your mortgage. 

The Immigrant Rights Center Mortgage Program: 

  • This program, offered in partnership with some lenders, provides special mortgage options for newcomers with documented income sources outside of Canada. 

Benefits of Working with a Mortgage Broker in Edmonton 

Mortgage Route’s experienced mortgage brokers in Edmonton can be invaluable assets throughout your homeownership journey. Here’s how they can assist you: 

Streamlined Mortgage Application: Mortgage brokers can guide you through the entire mortgage application process, ensuring you collect the necessary documentation and meet eligibility requirements. 

Tailored Mortgage Options: They can assess your individual financial situation and recommend the most suitable mortgage product based on your needs, down payment, and long-term goals. 

Negotiating Competitive Rates: Mortgage brokers have strong relationships with various lenders and can negotiate favorable interest rates and terms on your behalf. 

Pre-Approval Advantage: A mortgage pre-approval from Mortgage Route strengthens your offer when purchasing a home, demonstrating your financial capability to potential sellers. 

Partner with Mortgage Route for a Smooth Homebuying Experience 

Partner with Mortgage Route for a Smooth Homebuying Experience

At Mortgage Route, we understand the unique needs of newcomers in Edmonton. Our team of dedicated mortgage professionals is committed to helping you achieve your dream of homeownership.

We offer personalized guidance, access to a wide range of mortgage products, and competitive rates to ensure a smooth and successful mortgage application process.

For personalized advice and assistance with mortgage matters, feel free to contact us at karanpreet.s@dominionlending.ca or 780-802-4845

Thank you for submitting your request for a free quote. We will be in touch soon! If you have any questions or concerns call 780-802-4845 - Mortgage Route Team

Current Prime Rate is 7.20

Rates subject to change without notice. *O.A.C. E.& O.E.

5 Year Adjustable (high ratio / no pre approvals)6.45%6.10%
3 Year (fixed high ratio / Live deal)5.79%5.29%
5 Year (fixed high ratio / 120 day hold / Live deal )5.44%4.99%
5 Year (fixed rate / high ratio – Borrowed down)5.64%4.99%
2 Year (fixed high ratio)6.49%6.29%
4 Year (fixed rate high ratio)5.69%4.99%
5 Year (fixed rate refinance)6.49%5.79%
Auto Financing8.99%7.99%